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Track your work with cards in Superthread. Cards live in boards and have a description and a status so you know how the work is going.


You can assign one or more people to a card. They’ll be notified, and it’ll show up in a list of all cards assigned to them.

Subscribe to cards

Subscribe to a card and get updates when something changes.

All the information you need

Cards support lots of information. This includes due dates if you want to let people know when a task needs to be completed by. We’ll remind people that the due date is coming up.

Priority and estimates

You can set the priority of cards, and estimate how much work they’ll take.

Comments and attachments

For discussions and files relevant to a task, you can add comments and attachments to a card.

Link cards

Cards can have relationships across boards and spaces.

Use fewer tools. Save what's important. Take action.

No credit card. You’ll be up and running in minutes.