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Insanely fast

At Superthread, we are obsessed with achieving speed at scale. This means that your card or a page will open in a fraction of a second wether your workspace has 10 or 10 million records.

Even though, crafting this is hard and takes much longer compared to the normal approach, we took the decision to invest in it because we wanted Superthread to be instantaneous irrespective of how large your team is. After all, it sucks when your software slows down as your organisation grows.

How we did it

At a high level, to achieve this, among other things, we ditched SQL for NoSQL. Even though the nature of our system is extremely relational, we have done the extra work to surface the relationallity through a hand-crafted architecture which relies on a non-relational database. This approach has taken twice as long, but we feel it was worth the investment because: Slow Apps Suck.

The promise

Our promise to you is that Superthread will scale with your organisation irrespective of how fast it’s growing. We will continue to go above and beyond to provide you and your team with a super-snappy experience.